Delete a section break in word for mac
Delete a section break in word for mac

delete a section break in word for mac
  1. Delete a section break in word for mac how to#
  2. Delete a section break in word for mac install#
  3. Delete a section break in word for mac plus#

' first link to previous (to copy them), then duplicate setting Private Sub DuplicateHeadersAndFooters(s1 As Section, s2 As Section) '.SurroundHeader = s1.Borders.SurroundHeader ' apparent bug: removes borders from other sections '.SurroundFooter = s1.Borders.SurroundFooter ' apparent bug: removes borders from other sections '.JoinBorders = s1.Borders.JoinBorders ' apparent bug: removes borders from other sections EnableOtherPagesInSection = s1.Borders.EnableOtherPagesInSection EnableFirstPageInSection = s1.Borders.EnableFirstPageInSection ' Also see /word/layout/page-borders.html - setting applies to all sections '.Enable = s1.Borders.Enable ' Don't use - sets the line style to the default line style and sets the line width to the default line width. DistanceFromTop = s1.Borders.DistanceFromTop DistanceFromRight = s1.Borders.DistanceFromRight DistanceFromLeft = s1.Borders.DistanceFromLeft DistanceFromBottom = s1.Borders.DistanceFromBottom AlwaysInFront = s1.Borders.AlwaysInFront Item(i).Width = s1.PageSetup.TextColumns(i).Width Private Sub DuplicateColumnProperties(s1 As Section, s2 As Section) SectionStart = s1.PageSetup.SectionStart

delete a section break in word for mac

OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = s1.PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = s1.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter TwoPagesOnOne = s1.PageSetup.TwoPagesOnOne SuppressEndnotes = s1.PageSetup.SuppressEndnotes SectionDirection = s1.PageSetup.SectionDirection LineNumbering = s1.PageSetup.LineNumbering OtherPagesTray = s1.PageSetup.OtherPagesTray FirstPageTray = s1.PageSetup.FirstPageTray VerticalAlignment = s1.PageSetup.VerticalAlignment MirrorMargins = s1.PageSetup.MirrorMargins HeaderDistance = s1.PageSetup.HeaderDistance FooterDistance = s1.PageSetup.FooterDistance BottomMargin = s1.PageSetup.BottomMargin ' first set up the size properties (some other properties depend on these) Private Sub DuplicatePageSetupProperties(s1 As Section, s2 As Section) MsgBox "You may now delete the section break.", vbOKOnly, "Delete Section Break || " Set s2 = ActiveDocument.Sections(s1.Index + 1)

delete a section break in word for mac

' (and section's child objects') properties Always back up your documents before running any code. Modern Legal Support provides programming examples for illustration only, without warranty either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. You can then safely delete the section break. You’ll see your next section assume the correct formatting. Put your cursor in the section above the break, and run the “PrepareToDeleteSectionBreak” macro.

Delete a section break in word for mac install#

So, install the macro code below (copy it to your Normal or some other template). Note: If you don’t have experience running custom code in Word, there are plenty of easy guides out there, e.g., this one. So, when you then delete your section break, you keep your current section’s formatting.

Delete a section break in word for mac plus#

What it does is assign the pertinent properties of the section above to the section below, plus it copies the headers and footers and even the page borders to the section below. My code below will make it quick and painless. The easy way to do it is to run some code that does all the work for you.

Delete a section break in word for mac how to#

So, if you look online for how to accomplish this, you find disappointing solutions involving many steps. That sounds easy, but unfortunately, a lot goes into section formatting-page size and orientation, margins, headers and footers, page borders, etc. The solution for retaining the formatting of the section above is, therefore, to format the section below to be identical to the section above.

delete a section break in word for mac

(See, e.g., this Microsoft support article.) So, when you delete the break, you’re removing the formatting of the section above (which is what you probably want to keep), and retaining the formatting of the section below instead. Essentially, the section break relates to the section above it, not the section below it. This unexpected result is due to a counterintuitive relationship between sections and section breaks. Have you had the delightful experience of deleting an unwanted section break in a Word document, and then seeing your formatting go to pieces?

Delete a section break in word for mac